About The Fox

The Fox Is Mine is a platform for art, education & research.

The Fox is Mine provides artistic, educational and research based content. Preferably combined. Here on the site you find the three categories: Art, education & research. Each one showcasing representative examples of work.

Coaching can be found HERE

All (creative) content by Daniella Hefter.


Copyright ©TheFoxIsMine 2024
Copyright ©DaniellaHefter 2024
Copyright ©MagnoliaCoaching 2024

ideas, inquiries, invitations, questions, remarks, etc.

The Fox is Mine
Nesserdijk 406, 3063 NE Rotterdam

KVK nr: 24460328
Phone nr: +31 (0)6 48505295
Mail: info@thefoxismine.com

What’s new?

Here you are updated on the most recent projects.

Juli 2021

Audiotour ‘Kijken met andere ogen’ in Kunstmuseum Den Haag

Voor Kunstmuseum Den Haag ontwikkelde ik de audiotour ‘Kijken met andere ogen’ een audiotour die gebaseerd is op Socratisch kompas. De tour kan je doen via de app van het Kunstmuseum. Het is een tour van een uur en geeft je een idee hoe je de intrinsieke waarde van kunst kan ervaren.

Kunstmuseum Den Haag
With a diploma for professional coaching I am offering a personal course for growth.

Personal coaching

The past is given, what can you do now? Coaching is a process that aims to improve behavior and communication focussing on the ‘here and now’ rather than the distant past or the future. For me coaching is about personal growth. Starting with awareness, recognizing possibilities and making choices that are aligned with your values and goals. I want you to feel in charge, energetic, empowered by your talents and qualities. Knowing your self better and better. What can you expect? Together we determine the goal of the coaching. Whether it is one meeting or recurring. We set clear, achievable goals that you are eager to achieve. I guide you in this process.

Book an appointment
October 10 2020

Museumnacht // Closer to yourself at Kunstmuseum Den Haag

For Museum-night in The Hague I work together with Kunstmuseum Den Haag on a fantastic experimental program challenging your attention and senses. Please come and be part of the experiment after which no museum visit will be the same!

Kunstmuseum Den Haag Museumnacht Den Haag
November 7 2020 ’till February 2021 Again from September ’till December

Museum Elburg / Solo exhibition ‘because of a delicate skin’

At the beautiful museum Elburg I was invited to do a solo exhibition of my mixed media works. A combination of textile based mixed media works, drawings, and embroidered paintings will be presented. The theme of this selection of works is the skin. The beautiful and soft silks, thin sewn lines replace ink and paint. The hair that is characteristic in my work to flow in the wind is moving here too. Sensitivity and solitude are made visible and they are chosen to sense and empower the self. Soft colors of linnen white and powdery pink are the main palette with the black lines giving you the direction. I am still working on new pieces. I hope to share with you ’the tale of the delicate skin’ in November. Untill then you can follow weekly updates in my stories on instagram.

Museum Elburg Follow the process in Instagram
New workshops at the studio

Workshops starting in September

Starting in September you will be able to follow classes at the studio. All workshops are to empower you to visualize feelings, thoughts, idea’s and visualize them in a personal and original way. The way we work is attentive, experimental, expressive and mindful. No judgment, no striving for aesthetic achievements, but to create, enjoy, release and be surprised at what arises. I provide materials and guide you. There are three possibilities: 1 – Evening workshop – 2,5 hours, 5 or 10 times, once every 3/4 weeks. Working in a small group of six. Material, drinks and snacks included. Costs: €22,- per time, material, drinks and snacks included. If you sign up for 5 classes, you get two cards and a set of stickers as a gift. If you pay upfront for 5 classes, you get 5% discount and a poster of your choice. 2 – Singular weekend workshop – 4,5 hours – One theme, a personal designed program for your group. Material and vegetarian/vegan lunch included. Working in a small group of six to eight. Costs: €60,- in total; included material, drinks and lunch. A set of cards or a poster of your choice as a gift. 3 – Individual or duo class. Custom made to your needs. Personal, continuous guidance, designed for your wishes. From two to six hours, including material, drinks, lunch or light meal. One or two persons. Costs: €40 p.p. per hour with a minimum of two hours. Included material. If you sign up together for a minimum of three hours you get 5% discount and a set of cards or poster.

Newsletter in Dutch about the workshops
Hi! I am... The Fox Is Mine & Magnolia Coaching

Hi! I am...

The Fox Is Mine & Magnolia Coaching

My name is Daniella, feel free to contact me, for Art, Education & Research projects and commissions.

Do contact me for Magnolia Coaching and coaching related ideas for collaboration or workshops;


Do you have a question,  or need more information?


© Copyright The Fox is Mine 2025 | Design & Development by Eensreclame.nl